A thread over at so-called Freerepublic.com entitled, 'Ron Paul brought me back to GOP' was taken down with the reason being that it was "Garbage." This is the message I got when following the link: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1847648/posts
This thread has been pulled.
Pulled on 06/09/2007 2:42:09 PM PDT by Admin Moderator, reason:
The website should be renamed... NeoconRepublic maybe?
Latest Ron Paul Headlines
Blogging about Ron Paul
Saturday, June 9, 2007
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I've heard that the Freeper site is actually run by the GOP.
Folks at alipac.us have been booted from there too, and they're anti-amnesty.
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Iwouldn't doubt it. Those people are just partisan zealots... and have nothing whatsoever to do with a 'free republic' that's for sure...
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