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Blogging about Ron Paul

Saturday, July 7, 2007

We Shall Overcome -- The Presidential Campaign of Ron Paul

There has been significant momentum in the Ron Paul compaign lately...

- Won first place in the recent New Hampshire straw poll hosted by the Coalition for New Hampshire Taxpayers.

- The strongest presence of supporters in the Ames parade.

- A robust and well attended, 1,000+, Iowa rally to counter exclusion from that other event, whatever it was ;)

- Second place finish in a Georgia GOP straw-poll.

- Coverage of fundraising success over rival John McCain from virtually every MSM outlet.

- Fourth place placement in a California GOP straw-poll with 12%.

- Second place finish in Utah GOP straw-poll.

- Continued and growing dominance in all online measures of support: internet traffic, online donations, blogs, polls,, subscriber numbers etc.

- Appeared on the cover of American Conservative magazine which included articles in praise of the good doctor.

- Strong appearances on many mainstream TV and cable outlets like the Colbert Report, Tucker Carlson, Fox News, the Daily Show, Bill Maher, etc.

- and much more...

That's all in the past two months, coming from virtually nowhere!

There is absolutely every reason to believe that this momentum is only the beginning and that the Ron Paul campaign will only be taken more seriously by the mainstream. Yes, the attacks have become more vicious. But, it's becoming nearly passe to refer to Paul as a long-shot or 'fringe'... that will be coming to an end soon.

The competition especially in the GOP has absolutely nothing to offer. They'll even admit that they're all the same. Their current advantage over Paul, name recognition, is fading as his name grows...

As soon as people realize that Rudy McRompson, that is if ol' Fred is foolish enough to get in the fray, represent exactly the sort of policies embodied by the current administration, policies that are incredibly unpopular among the general public, just look at the polls.

The GOP, itself will either smarten up and get behind Paul or die by the sword... The political analysts aren't saying it yet, but they will...Paul needs to be the GOP's man for them to have any chance in the general election...

Go Ron Paul!!

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